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Strategic Planning

Strategic Plan 2015-2020


Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Led by the current President of the University, Dr. John W. Stewart, the strategic planning process began with a series of town hall meetings attended by a wide range of constituents to generate items for the plan. Attended by faculty, staff, students, community members, and trustees, the town hall meetings allowed participation by internal and external constituents. Workgroups, with a broadly representative membership from by faculty, staff, students, community members, and trustees, were given data from the town hall meetings, the 2009-2014 strategic plan (incomplete and partially complete items), and the unit-planning process for consideration. The workgroups developed a strategic plan draft that was reviewed and revised by the Strategic Plan Steering Committee composed of the Executive Cabinet, President’s Cabinet, Deans’ Council, and the University Planning Committee. After further town hall meetings, a final draft was approved by the University’s Board of Trustees during their April 2015 meeting. With the themes of Academic Excellence, Student Engagement and Success, Partnership and Outreach, this strategic plan was designed to serve as the institution’s roadmap to guide decision makers at all levels.  The three overarching goals of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan are:

  1. Academic Excellence: To promote the continued development of faculty as impactful teachers and productive scholars and artists and to cultivate active, engaged student learning.
  2. Student Engagement and Success: To enhance the climate of UM to cultivate greater levels of student success as measured by retention and completion.
  3. Partnership and Outreach: To engage our community through mutually beneficial partnerships that support academic, economic, and sociocultural well-being.

Progress Reports

Strategic Plan 2019 Progress Report

Strategic Plan 2018 Progress Report

Strategic Plan 2017 Progress Report

Strategic Plan 2016 Progress Report